Hi everyone, We have uploaded update v0.132!
Added 1 generic mission(Escort VIP).
Added 1 skirmish map(grass/mountain mix).
Added pistol animations.
Added unarmed animations.
Added MK-SL gun.
Added sights for most guns.
Adjusted hand animations when holding weapons.

Adjusted sights and accuracy for guns.
Re-made Berezno terrain.

Removed mouse smoothing.
When entering skirmishes, your tactical camera starts centered over your position.
Can select multiple squads in map view when holding Left Shift.
Renamed G1 to R3, and Mac-11 to MNC-11.
Decreased AI accuracy.
Decreased the chance of rainy weather.
Bug Fix: Game stuck after auto-resolve.
Bug Fix: RPG can't be equipped.
Bug Fix: Companions drifting slowly when idle.
Bug Fix: T-pose on Party window.
Bug Fix: Invisible clothes.
Bug Fix: The size of the army isn't shown on Party window.
Welcome to our official Forum and improve the game together with us: http://forum.freeman-game.com/ !
@BlackHawk Yes, after we add more companions :)
Do you guys plan on adding recruitment of companions? Would be nice to hire people and be able to change what 2 companions you start out with. Loving the updates and game so far!