Hi everyone,
Freeman is now updated with a day/night cycle and weather system. Immersion is significantly increased when you can see the sunrise, sunset and the night sky full of stars in the game. And combat feels much different when they are fought in the different time of day. There are many weather types you can expect for example foggy, cloudy, sunny, thunderstorm and etc. Don't forget to put on a night vision goggle when you enter a combat. And also make sure to deploy squads equipped with night vision equipment in order to perform better in night operations. Usually, only the higher tier squads have night vision goggles. We will also add time-related Events in the future updates, such as more bandits activities at night...Have fun!
Change Notes:
1. Day/Night Cycle
2. Weather System
3. Increased the size of the deployment zone during town defense
4. Night Vision
5. Squad night vision device
6. Moved default key of Quick Load to F11
7. Increased food consumption
8. Enemy army leftovers will disappear from the world map
9. Better prisoner system. You need to increase the compliance points of the prisoners. The more compliance points the easier to persuade them to join.
10. Basic environment ambient SFX
11. Bug Fix: Can fast forward in menu
12. Bug Fix: Sniper scope and RPG scope black
13. Bug Fix: Can’t upgrade to Pozna sniper team
14. Bug Fix: Enemy units freezes when running away.
15. Bug Fix: Captured squads move by themselves
16. Bug Fix: Flag of the city flying in the sky

@BlackHawk information will come out later ;) Thanks! Happy to hear that <3
@bbbdubbbz Thank you! Will do our best!
@Anthony Stevens Thank you! <3
@Rolvaag Ye, we will implement a faction diplomacy system and missions. About steady scopes not sure yet.
Thank you! <3
Loving the update! I like the idea of tracer rounds. Is there a guide on what items in the game does or will information come out later on the effects of items? Like computer parts don't do anything but is that hinting at maybe crafting/upgrading equipment? Things like meat and beer keeping morale up (luxuries)? I would also love to be able to see my character when inventory is open to see what he looks like with all the gear I have. Units with night vision actually wearing the goggles in night battles?
Super excited about this game, I can't put it down! <3