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Patch V0.104 Uploaded

1. Added a loading screen and optimized the launching process to reduce overhead.

2. Bug: Soldier stuck in the equipment box

3. Bug: Falling down from the edge

4. Bug: Flying troops

5. Bug: AI don’t die or fight after relationship is changed from hostile to neutral

6. Bug: Squad name out of the box.

7. Bug: Inventory can’t be scrolled down when there are a lot of items in it.

8. Bug: can´t scroll to the top of my inventory in the trade screen.

9. Bug: Defending garrison don’t join the combat

10. Bug: Some armor do not increase armor value

11. Added confirmation window when pressed save/load/start a new game

12. Added Standard launcher to select resolution and overall quality before launching the game

13. Rebind lean keys

14. Rebind Aim and Fire keys

15. Button to reward individual squad

16. Reduced fleeing chance when morale is low

17. Hide UI keybinding

18. Reduced grenade affecting area

For people who cannot enter the game: In this patch, we did some optimization to the launcher, it may help avoid crashing on launch. Let us know if it works. You also can select resolution and general graphical quality before entering the game.

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